Elipsos train

The Elipsos Trenhotel are luxury night trains between France, Spain, Swizterland and Italy. There are 4 train lines.
– ELIPSOS Trenhotel “Francisco de Goya” (Madrid-Paris)
– ELIPSOS Trenhotel “Joan Miró” (Barcelona-Paris)
– ELIPSOS Trenhotel “Pau Casals” (Barcelona-Zurich)
– ELIPSOS Trenhotel “Salvador Dalí” (Barcelona-Milan)

Trenhotel Francisco de Goya
Route: Paris, Orleans, Blois, Poitiers, Vitoria, Burgos, Valladolid and Madrid
Depart is from Gare Austerlitz in Paris.

Trenhotel Joan Miro
Route: Paris, Orleans, Limoges, Figueres, Girona and Barcelona
Depart is from Gare Austerlitz in Paris.

Travel time
– Paris – Madrid: deapart 19.47, arrival 9.10
– Paris – Barcelona: deapart 20.34, arrival 8.24

Fares Paris – Barcelona (single ticket)
Full fare Grande Class is €339 p.p but couples get a discount of 35%. Other accommodation is Tourist Class and superreclining seat. Cheap fare is non-refundable ticket.

Day trains to Barcelona
Day trains from Paris to Barcelona are departing not from Gare Austerlitz but from Gare de Lyon. Passengers are then traveling in TGV-Corail trains.


– People who travel together as a couple have a discount of 35%
– Families/friends who travel with 3/4 persons have a discount of 35%
– Seniors over 60 have a discount of 30% of the standard fare
– Youth under 26 have a discount of 30% of the standard fare
– Children under 4 travel free
– Person who accompanies a disabled passenger will pay a small supplement

Elipsos train classes

– Grand Class has 2 beds and private shower/wc/washbasin
– Club Class has 2 beds and washbasin
– Tourist Class has 4 beds and washbasin
– Superreclining seats
Roomettes in the centre of the wagon have an interconnection door. This door allows two double roomettes to be converted into a larger quadruple roomette